Monday, June 28, 2010

Sad, Sad..... News

Allah is great... He gives me happiness and sometimes we humans forgot to be thankful.
A few days ago I got this bad news... and that really made me sad. But my good friend Dil told me that an ustaz hold her that things like what has happened to me is 'ketentuan'...something destined to happen.
'Don't be sad....', she said. We cannot undo His 'ketentuan' but we have 2 choices to do now. That is either you do something about it or you don't do anything about it.
I chose to do something about it and now I feel happier. I don't know if my effort is worthwhile but Allah knows that I am trying.
Allah, please help me and give me hidayah. I want to help him to help himself. I can't always be there for him...but You will always be there. You will always look after him.
Thank you, Ya Allah.

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