Kenangan dengan others in the same tour... What a wonderfull memory!
My Story...Untold
my email:
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, 25 June, 2010
Hari Terbuka Nuri Taman Universiti
Hari ini memandangkan aku kena inejction vaksin H1N1 di hospital JB, minta tolong abang sulung Aleef ambilkan report card Nuhaa.... Thanks Aleef! Nuhaa's result is good. Congrats Nuhaa!
Tuesday, 29 June, 2010
Hari Terbuka Sekolah Agama Taman Universiti
Giliran Harraz pulak ... Darjah 2 Abu Hurairah. Kali ini mama kena pergi ambil sebab segan nak suruh abang Aleef lagi. Well, the result is not so good. Harraz has to work harder. Mamanya juga... kena lebih rajin jengok progress dia...esp. solat and bacaan Al-Quran.
Next is Syazwi this coming Saturday and Harraz again on 1 July, 2010.
Hari Terbuka Nuri Taman Universiti
Hari ini memandangkan aku kena inejction vaksin H1N1 di hospital JB, minta tolong abang sulung Aleef ambilkan report card Nuhaa.... Thanks Aleef! Nuhaa's result is good. Congrats Nuhaa!
Tuesday, 29 June, 2010
Hari Terbuka Sekolah Agama Taman Universiti
Giliran Harraz pulak ... Darjah 2 Abu Hurairah. Kali ini mama kena pergi ambil sebab segan nak suruh abang Aleef lagi. Well, the result is not so good. Harraz has to work harder. Mamanya juga... kena lebih rajin jengok progress dia...esp. solat and bacaan Al-Quran.
Next is Syazwi this coming Saturday and Harraz again on 1 July, 2010.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sad, Sad..... News
Allah is great... He gives me happiness and sometimes we humans forgot to be thankful.
A few days ago I got this bad news... and that really made me sad. But my good friend Dil told me that an ustaz hold her that things like what has happened to me is 'ketentuan'...something destined to happen.
'Don't be sad....', she said. We cannot undo His 'ketentuan' but we have 2 choices to do now. That is either you do something about it or you don't do anything about it.
I chose to do something about it and now I feel happier. I don't know if my effort is worthwhile but Allah knows that I am trying.
Allah, please help me and give me hidayah. I want to help him to help himself. I can't always be there for him...but You will always be there. You will always look after him.
Thank you, Ya Allah.
A few days ago I got this bad news... and that really made me sad. But my good friend Dil told me that an ustaz hold her that things like what has happened to me is 'ketentuan'...something destined to happen.
'Don't be sad....', she said. We cannot undo His 'ketentuan' but we have 2 choices to do now. That is either you do something about it or you don't do anything about it.
I chose to do something about it and now I feel happier. I don't know if my effort is worthwhile but Allah knows that I am trying.
Allah, please help me and give me hidayah. I want to help him to help himself. I can't always be there for him...but You will always be there. You will always look after him.
Thank you, Ya Allah.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Happy Father's my Hubby!
Sunday, 20 June, 2010

Papa cuting the cake. Ehhh...! Where's mama? Photographer la....

The 'gift'...
The children bought papa a present (it was mom's and Liyana's choice actually)....
Terima kasih ayang...for being there for all of us. You have been the best father to Aleef, Liyana, Syazwi, Harraz and Nuhaa. Semoga Allah berikan you kesihatan dan kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat... dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur yang diberkati! Aminnnn.....
Papa cuting the cake. Ehhh...! Where's mama? Photographer la....
The 'gift'...
The children bought papa a present (it was mom's and Liyana's choice actually)....
Terima kasih ayang...for being there for all of us. You have been the best father to Aleef, Liyana, Syazwi, Harraz and Nuhaa. Semoga Allah berikan you kesihatan dan kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat... dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur yang diberkati! Aminnnn.....
Ho Chi Minh Trip... Untuk Kita-Kita Ladies Aje!
15 - 18 May, 2010
Percutian yang sangat seronok! All 6 of us me, Dil, Azlin, Khim, Kak Su and Yah joined the trip this time. Very cheap indeed...not even RM800 per pax for flight, hotel and tour. Thanks to Azlin n Dil for the arrangement.
Gals...we have to do it again ya next year! Korea sounds interesting....
Percutian yang sangat seronok! All 6 of us me, Dil, Azlin, Khim, Kak Su and Yah joined the trip this time. Very cheap indeed...not even RM800 per pax for flight, hotel and tour. Thanks to Azlin n Dil for the arrangement.
Gals...we have to do it again ya next year! Korea sounds interesting....
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Family Gathering, Melaka Country Resort
Sunday, December 27, 2009!
Tiada yang lebih menggembirakan 24 Disember, 2009 lalu melainkan mendapat berita Liyana mendapat 8A dalam PMRnya. Alhmdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana membalas penat lelah Liyana dengan kejayaan...
Kami hadiahkan kepadanya 'teddy bear' besar dari Lovely Lace... BESAR PUNYA!
Tahniah, sayang. Semoga SPM nanti juga cemerlang sebegini...
Teddy and Liyana's PMR result slip
Eh, eh...adik sapa tu yang ikut kakak ambil results?
Kami hadiahkan kepadanya 'teddy bear' besar dari Lovely Lace... BESAR PUNYA!
Tahniah, sayang. Semoga SPM nanti juga cemerlang sebegini...
Liyana After The Operation
Kesian kat Liyana... But she was strong! Mama had to keep her company that night at the hospital. Tapi yang bestnya, dapat makan ice cream to reduce the bleeding and swelling. Thank you to Nisa, Aunty Azlin & hubby, Ucu & family, Datin Faezah and hubby who came to visit. Juga to Abang Aleef yang jaga Liyana siang hari...Also to those yang mendoakan Liyana dari jauh....!
Nuhaa, Nuhaa...ingatkan jaga kakak, rupa-rupanya tidur sepanjang malam...Ha,ha!
Thanks to Ucu and family who came to visit....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Liyana & Her Resdung...
Puteri Speacilist Hospital, Saturday, 19 December, 2009
Liyana has been scheduled to have her operation today. She has been living with her 'resdung' almost all her life. The doctor said we have to remove her 'tonsil' and her nose blockage. Before this, we pity her because she couldn't breathe property and especially when her nose itchiness comes... Hopefully after her operation, everything will be back to normal. Amin.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
PMP Training 7-11 December, 2009
Another training completed...This Project Management Professionals (PMP) training was held at SEED Senai. I summarise that 5-day training as 'brain-drain'. Maklum la da lama tak pergi 'belajar'! Well, we'll be having a revision class next March, 2010 and maybe trial exam by IRDA side before that... Lulus baru boleh listed to the real exam! Wish me luck!
Monday, December 7, 2009
ESQ Training 4-6 December, 2009
Finally, after so many offers turned down, I had to attend this 3 day training held at Horizon Hills Golf & Country Club. Very emotional and spiritual I would say! Harap kesannya berpanjangan. Kembali mengenali siapa kita dan hubungan dengan Allah dan RasulNya! Yang belum pergi tu, disarankan supaya pergi. Good lifetime investment, I assure you. They also have program for mahasiswa, teens and kids.
One of the things yang sering terngia2 di ingatan ialah terjemahan Surah As-Syam...yang dinyanyikan dalam program ini ... Mendalam maknanya...!
Demi matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari
Demi bulan apabila ia menerangi
Demi siang hari bila menampakkan diriNya
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi bumi
Demi langit serta seluruh binaanNya
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparanNya
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaanNya
Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikanNya
Merugi bagi yang mengotoriNya
Seronok dapat jumpa ex-sigs senior Puan Rohaya, ex-colleague Kak Fizah and hubby En Hamid and an old friend Kak Yus from MPPG. Dapat juga ramai teman2 baru like Rahimah and others!
One of the things yang sering terngia2 di ingatan ialah terjemahan Surah As-Syam...yang dinyanyikan dalam program ini ... Mendalam maknanya...!
Demi matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari
Demi bulan apabila ia menerangi
Demi siang hari bila menampakkan diriNya
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi bumi
Demi langit serta seluruh binaanNya
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparanNya
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaanNya
Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikanNya
Merugi bagi yang mengotoriNya
Seronok dapat jumpa ex-sigs senior Puan Rohaya, ex-colleague Kak Fizah and hubby En Hamid and an old friend Kak Yus from MPPG. Dapat juga ramai teman2 baru like Rahimah and others!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hong Kong Trip
Disneyland Trip 28 Nov - 2 Dec, 2009
Day 1 - Arriving in Hong Kong.
We were welcomed by this longest suspension bridge in where (I am not sure....!)
Checked in Kimberly Hotel. Nothing planned for tonite, so we just walked around Tsim Sha Tsui area. Found the Tsim Sha Tsui mosque, very near our hotel.
This was the entrance to a musical theater nearby. Night was very lively in this area.
Day 2 - Half Day City Tour
Bauhinia Square.
Hong Kong's natioanal flower Bauhinia gold statue (not sure if it was real gold!). Behind in was the building from Jackie Chan's Police Story 2 movie, where the bad guy and him falling down the roof. Beautiful scenery from this place and it was near the water.
Repulse Bay,
where the rich and xpats live. There was a temple there and their sandy beach was very clean. In fact, Hong Kong is a very clean city...everywhere! Something that Malaysians should learn from.
Then we went to The Peak, only at mid level and the scenery was beautiful. We missed the trip for night scenery at this point.
Aberdeen, where the biggest floating restaurant was. One harbour with two standards of living, the poor fisherman and the rich with all the luxury boats....!

Then to jewellery shop, not interesting esp for me coz I did not buy a thing! Hehehe.. Surya an Indian halal restaurant.
Avenue of Stars

Amongst others were Michelle Yeoh, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li.. Lain-lain tak kenal...sebab we are not Hong Kong movie fans!
Day 3 - Ocean Park

Crazy and tiring day...8 hours on our feet! The place was just ok...we have better rides back home at Genting! But the children enjoyed it anyway. We had dinner later at Surya, Indian cuisine again...better than mee Maggi though.
Day 4 - Disneyland

The most awaited event by the children. Checked into Disney Hollywood Hotel and took 10 minutes hotel shuttle bus and Disneyland, here we come! Another tiring but enjoyable day. The event ended with fireworks display at 8pm. Then snooooooze time!
Day 5 - Another 2 hrs Disneyland and Home Sweet Home!
Since our airport pick up was scheduled at 12.15pm, we decided to take another quick trip to Disneyland.... Last few items shopping and another show of Donald Duck. Syazwi went for another autopia ride.
Arrived KLIA at 6.30pm, had kari kepala ikan dinner at Putrajaya, soup tulang at Kak Anum's and straight to JB. Home Sweet Home at 3am...all tired and sleepy. The childred went straight to bed with their Disneyland dreams came true!
Alhamdulillah, one vacation mission accomplished. Looking forward to planning our next vacation trip...Huh, kalau la daun boleh tukar jadi duit...!
Day 1 - Arriving in Hong Kong.

Checked in Kimberly Hotel. Nothing planned for tonite, so we just walked around Tsim Sha Tsui area. Found the Tsim Sha Tsui mosque, very near our hotel.

Day 2 - Half Day City Tour
Bauhinia Square.

Hong Kong's natioanal flower Bauhinia gold statue (not sure if it was real gold!). Behind in was the building from Jackie Chan's Police Story 2 movie, where the bad guy and him falling down the roof. Beautiful scenery from this place and it was near the water.
Repulse Bay,

Then we went to The Peak, only at mid level and the scenery was beautiful. We missed the trip for night scenery at this point.
Aberdeen, where the biggest floating restaurant was. One harbour with two standards of living, the poor fisherman and the rich with all the luxury boats....!

Then to jewellery shop, not interesting esp for me coz I did not buy a thing! Hehehe.. Surya an Indian halal restaurant.
Avenue of Stars

Amongst others were Michelle Yeoh, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li.. Lain-lain tak kenal...sebab we are not Hong Kong movie fans!
Day 3 - Ocean Park

Crazy and tiring day...8 hours on our feet! The place was just ok...we have better rides back home at Genting! But the children enjoyed it anyway. We had dinner later at Surya, Indian cuisine again...better than mee Maggi though.
Day 4 - Disneyland

The most awaited event by the children. Checked into Disney Hollywood Hotel and took 10 minutes hotel shuttle bus and Disneyland, here we come! Another tiring but enjoyable day. The event ended with fireworks display at 8pm. Then snooooooze time!
Day 5 - Another 2 hrs Disneyland and Home Sweet Home!
Since our airport pick up was scheduled at 12.15pm, we decided to take another quick trip to Disneyland.... Last few items shopping and another show of Donald Duck. Syazwi went for another autopia ride.
Arrived KLIA at 6.30pm, had kari kepala ikan dinner at Putrajaya, soup tulang at Kak Anum's and straight to JB. Home Sweet Home at 3am...all tired and sleepy. The childred went straight to bed with their Disneyland dreams came true!
Alhamdulillah, one vacation mission accomplished. Looking forward to planning our next vacation trip...Huh, kalau la daun boleh tukar jadi duit...!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Cameron Highland Cuti-Cuti Malaysia
Here comes the school holidays...Yahoo!
Though it was rainy season, we had a pleasant 'family gathering' (my hubby side pulak this time round) from 20 - 22 November, 2009 at Cameron Highland. The attendance was good...6 families i.e. 27 members in all.

Visit To BOH tea plantation.

My princess Nuhaa and I at the Rose Garden

Abang Amin and his grand daughter Widad, in front of the bungalow
Though it was rainy season, we had a pleasant 'family gathering' (my hubby side pulak this time round) from 20 - 22 November, 2009 at Cameron Highland. The attendance was good...6 families i.e. 27 members in all.
Visit To BOH tea plantation.
My princess Nuhaa and I at the Rose Garden
Abang Amin and his grand daughter Widad, in front of the bungalow
Syazwi and His UPSR
Syazwi is a bit sad coz he managed to get 4As and 1B (English) but we are very happy for him. Alhamdulillah... BTW, his cousins Haziq and Syahmi managed to get 5As. Congratulations to all three buddies.

Syazwi (sitting, in the middle) Look at that can we be disappointed with him...? Photo was taken after the UPSR ceremony on 19 November, 2009.
Syazwi (sitting, in the middle) Look at that can we be disappointed with him...? Photo was taken after the UPSR ceremony on 19 November, 2009.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Was too busy. September was UPSR exam for Syazwi and Aidilfiri! Simple raya for us...Tahun ni kat Muar, sampai raya ke-2.

My family photo...Jaffar and I sedondon putih....suci gitu!
Then, raya ke-3 malam buat gathering at my place, for all my adik-beradik n anak saudara,tahlil arwah and then barbeque...! Seronok sangat... Sempat selitkan birthday celebration for my cucu saudara, Ammar (anak Razif-Faizah).

Looks yummy...lamb chop resepi my sis Yah....Unfortunately I don't eat lamb.

The six of us left..(from right:Yah, me, Kak Pah, Kak Nap, Tini and Odin). Yang tak ada arwah Kak Ton and arwah Kang Man (Al-Fatihah to them).

Ammar, potong kek and si comel Balqis (another cucu saudara, anak Lin-Nazar) yang suka inter-frame!
My family photo...Jaffar and I sedondon putih....suci gitu!
Then, raya ke-3 malam buat gathering at my place, for all my adik-beradik n anak saudara,tahlil arwah and then barbeque...! Seronok sangat... Sempat selitkan birthday celebration for my cucu saudara, Ammar (anak Razif-Faizah).
Looks yummy...lamb chop resepi my sis Yah....Unfortunately I don't eat lamb.
The six of us left..(from right:Yah, me, Kak Pah, Kak Nap, Tini and Odin). Yang tak ada arwah Kak Ton and arwah Kang Man (Al-Fatihah to them).
Ammar, potong kek and si comel Balqis (another cucu saudara, anak Lin-Nazar) yang suka inter-frame!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Ulangtahun Perkahwinan Ke-22
Pada 20 Ogos, 2009, genap 22 tahun usia perkahwinan kami. My wish...? Semoga berkekalan... Amin!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What happened this 1 month...
10 -12 July, 2009 - Shopping trip to Jakarta and Bandung with office! But time was too short and we did not managed to get all the things we wanted. Sad incidents, one of our friends Kak Asiah was lost for 3 hours at Pasar Baru, Bandung and we had a bad experience with tourist guide...hu3.
18 July, 2009 - KFC outing with family. Syazwi was enjoying his dinner with good buddies Haziq and Syahmi. Mudahan all 3 will get 5 As in their UPSR this September. Amin...
25 July, 2009 - My grand daughter Jiha's birthday (am I that old?). Harraz and Nuhaa were the happiest coz the party was at a swimming pool....
26 July, 2009 - Syazwi's Black Belt Ceremony (1st Poom). Well, We are so proud of him. He started because we forced him to enrol. And now, after the black belt, he doesn't want to quit. Tu lah budak2...what can I say...!
1 August, 2009 - One more birthday... another grand daughter, Balqis(my side, Jiha is my hubby's side). This one was a barbeque and we had also Yaasin for arwah emak, bapak, Kak Eton, Kang Man, Dino. Absentees were Kak Nap and Tini. 2 birthdays in 2 weeks...tiring, but we enjoyed the parties.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hi, everybody... I'm back!
After so many sarcastic remarks from by dear bro Odin, here I am....back to update my blog.
I was so busy with the children. One week before school hols, Liyana, Syazwi n Harraz were busy with their mid term exams. As usual, I was busier than them. Jadi cikgu kejap!
Then school hols came. Aleef registration at Multinedia Univ on 7 June. Then took the opp to 'Cuti-cuti Malaysia' at Melaka. And belum sempat tarik nafas... school hols was over!
Aleef suddenly got this IPTA offer tu UTHM and he decided to go. Kinda sad for me though. But Jaffar and I have decided that Aleef shall decide on the place he wanted to further his study.
Well, he has no choice but to 'check himself out' from MMU. Mommy is too busy at work and can't take leave. That was settled yesterday...Phew! Thank you, Aleef!
Hope life can be back to normal soon. But not only after this week end's seminar, my company's Family Day at PD 27 June and Aleef's reg at UTHM 28 June.
Till then...
p/s Odin... Happy Birthday. How come no posting on that special day celebration..?
I was so busy with the children. One week before school hols, Liyana, Syazwi n Harraz were busy with their mid term exams. As usual, I was busier than them. Jadi cikgu kejap!
Then school hols came. Aleef registration at Multinedia Univ on 7 June. Then took the opp to 'Cuti-cuti Malaysia' at Melaka. And belum sempat tarik nafas... school hols was over!
Aleef suddenly got this IPTA offer tu UTHM and he decided to go. Kinda sad for me though. But Jaffar and I have decided that Aleef shall decide on the place he wanted to further his study.
Well, he has no choice but to 'check himself out' from MMU. Mommy is too busy at work and can't take leave. That was settled yesterday...Phew! Thank you, Aleef!
Hope life can be back to normal soon. But not only after this week end's seminar, my company's Family Day at PD 27 June and Aleef's reg at UTHM 28 June.
Till then...
p/s Odin... Happy Birthday. How come no posting on that special day celebration..?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Labour Day & The Party!
Syazwi (but his friends call him Azfar) was really pleased with the occasion and thanks to big sis Liyana, we had a wonderful time playing games after Syazwi cut the cake. Treasure hunt, who burst the ballon, apple eating, musical chair, poisoned ball, and finally bicycle race.... Tak kering gusi kami melihatnya!
The party ended at 6.30pm and it was tiring but most memorable, especially for my dear son Syazwi!
p/s Thanks a lot to Ucu and Salwa for their support in preparing the food at last minutes notice.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Another Birthday....Syazwi is 12!
Some of Syazwi's photos

Happy Birthday to Muhammad Azfar Syazwi! He is the 2nd boy in the family. A very cheerful and loving brother to his other siblings especially the younger Harraz and Nuhaa.
His birthday was on 28 April, a Tuesday this year and on a school day, so we all sang him the birthday song at 630am while he was waiting for the school bus. "Mama, boleh saya buat birthday party dan panggil kawan-kawan?" was his request. How could I say "no"... So since Friday is a public holiday, we will have a party for him... Just a small gathering for him, simple and sweet.
Happy birthday Syazwi... We all love you! Be good and may all your wishes come true....

Happy Birthday to Muhammad Azfar Syazwi! He is the 2nd boy in the family. A very cheerful and loving brother to his other siblings especially the younger Harraz and Nuhaa.
His birthday was on 28 April, a Tuesday this year and on a school day, so we all sang him the birthday song at 630am while he was waiting for the school bus. "Mama, boleh saya buat birthday party dan panggil kawan-kawan?" was his request. How could I say "no"... So since Friday is a public holiday, we will have a party for him... Just a small gathering for him, simple and sweet.
Happy birthday Syazwi... We all love you! Be good and may all your wishes come true....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thank you, Sayang
A big thank you to my daughter, Liyana for decorating my blog....the nice wallpaper and also the background song... She is creating her own blog now...we are learning together. Tak tau berapa lama Liyana boleh maintain her blog... too busy with study and also her 'myspace'... Good luck for today's tuition test Liyana. Break a leg, k.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Princess Liyana's Birthday

Today 16 April, 2009 is Nur Liyana Zafirah's birthday. She is now in Form 3 at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Ismail (SSIJB). She is sitting for her PMR examination in September.
Since her birthday falls on a Thursday, we postpone the cake ceremony to Saturday, when her papa comes home from Negeri Sembilan. We are also expecting some guests on that day Bak, Mak Ngah, Siti Mariam and Abang Madin so the more the merrier.
This year Liyana will not be getting presents from us since she has exhausted her budget for her Genting trip with her best friend Aqilah last two weeks. She is sad but a deal is a deal... Sorry...!
Anyway, if her papa wishes to buy her a present, then it is going to be a surprise... Nothing expensive but sweet.
Opps... some more facts about my Princess. Liyana is crazy over Hannah Montana! She likes pink, purple and white colours. Just look at her room and you will understand. Her brother Aleef was tired of talking her out of these pink craze things but she does not seem to absorb... Well as long as you are happy dear, I won't mind!
Happy Birthday, sayang. Mama, Papa, Abang Aleef, Syazwi, Harraz and Nuhaa love you very much. I think Bibik is too....He3. Many happy returns of the day and may all your dreams come true!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Promosi 'Otai Station', Muar
If you happen to pass by Muar, why not drop by at Otai Station. It is located within the compound of community hall, Pesta. You won't get this info from any papers or 'Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan', etc because it is new and they have just started business six weeks ago.
The place is run by my sister-in-law Kak Ana and her hubby Hj Amin. It is a simple 6-table, very clean and comfortable 'warung' to have family meals for breakfast and lunch. Their specialties are nasi lemak, nasi beringin with choices of 'lauk', mee rebus and soto (nasi empit or mee hoon). Otai Station is open all week except Friday, from 7.30 until 2.00pm.
My opinion of the food...? Super delicious and yummy. I tried their nasi beringin last Saturday with sambal paru, sambal kerang, sambal sotong rendam and sayur kacang and quenched my thirst with ice lemon tea. During our last visit, Kak Ana even cook my hubby's favourite lauk i.e. asam pedas ikan pari and guess what? Jaffar finished three servings of rice with the asam pedas...!
Thanks Kak Ana and Abang Amin... Hope the business will grow fast! Hopefully you will be able to open another branch in JB soon! They are also doing catering business for any kinds of majlis, weddings, etc. Please contact 012-9730306 (Pn Rohana) 017-2607876 (Hj Amin) for enquiries.
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